What will I need to do if I agree to take part in the project?

If you decide to join the study you will be asked to:

Complete eligibility Criteria on the Study Website: You will be asked four simple questions to confirm that you are eligible for the study. If you are, we will give you a code that you can use to unlock the Cloudy with a Chance of Pain app.


Download a free mobile app (Apple iOS or Android):  You need to have the study app on your phone in order to participate in the study. It can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store, depending on which phone you have. You can get help identifying which phone you have here.


Help in downloading the uMotif app on your phone can be found at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


Register and Consent to Take Part: On your mobile device you will complete an electronic registration and consent process.

  1. Enter the code you have been given on the Study website
  2. Read the informed consent form and Patient Information Sheet
  3. Register with uMotif


Complete a Short Questionnaire: We will ask you to answer questions about yourself, your medical history, and your current health. You may choose to leave blank any questions that you do not wish to answer.


Rate your Symptoms Using the App: You will be asked to rate your symptoms and feelings on 10 items, each scored between 1-5 using a simple and intuitive flower-like interface (the ‘motif’). You will be reminded every day to complete the motif, which should take approximately 30 seconds. In addition, you will have the option to:

  • Record diary notes
  • Connect to wearable like Fitbits or smartphone activity apps to record daily activity and step counts


The phone will automatically collect the weather data local to you using the location services. You will need to enable the location service when prompted.

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