uMotif invitation & code

The app is invitation only. This means your healthcare provider or study team has to have committed to using the platform to invite you.

The uMotif app is all about putting your health, in your hands and helping strengthen the relationship between patients and clinicians.

You will have been sent an invitation email by your clinician, carer, health professional or study research team.   

Once you have received this invitation email, you can download the app and start using uMotif. 

If you do not receive your invite email, please check your spam filters in your email provider.

You can register on your smartphone or tablet device, or using a computer connected to the internet. 

If you are using a computer, your invite email will include a link to the website for you to use to register and use uMotif. Please note this options isn't available for Cloudy with a chance of pain and 100 for Parkinson's participants.


App Registration

Once you’ve downloaded the app, you need to set up your account to start using uMotif. 

The first step is to enter your unique registration code, from your invitation email.

You’ll find this part way down the email, as seen in the example below.  This unique code is tied to your email address. 


On the first screen of the app, click the ‘I would like to register’ button:


From here you will need to select your region – Europe, USA or Rest of the world

On the next screen, you need to enter your unique registration code




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