You can download the app directly to your smartphone or tablet from the Apple App Store.
The app is free.
On your device, open the App Store. Search for ‘uMotif’ in each store.
If you are searching on an iPad, you must click on the tab for ‘iPhone Apps’. (Please note that if you're taking part in Cloudy with a Chance of Pain, you can only use an iPhone and not an iPad as we need to track the weather conditions local to you for the study)
The app icon is a colourful flower, so you know you’ve got the correct app:
Just click on the Install button to download the app to your device.
The download procedure is the same as for any other app.
The app should now be downloaded to your device.
Click on the app icon and you should see a first screen similar to the one shown below:
From this page, either register or log in to access the apps many features.